Blade citizen Runner dog

Assignment: after watching the movies Blade Runner (1982, Ridley Scott) / Citizen Dog (2004, Mah nakorn), make a 1 minute movie.
react to what u just saw

one week later they make a poster for their own movie.

by Lee

by Dafna

by Matan

by Hadar


Anonymous said...

My movie is a reaction to Citizen Dog and not Blade Runner (the robots one is about blade runner)

Ronny said...

sorry my bad.
by the way.....congrats..u r the firt to leave a comment.
how s the feeling?

Anonymous said...

Its ok :)
I cant belive im the first one to leave a comment! yay for me!
mabye its because i've got too much free time at work...

Anonymous said...

Is making a short film mandatory?
What about the poor student who never made a movie and doesn't even own a video camera?
He'll fail the course because of it?

And what's with all the projects that require collaboration with others? Is it possible for a student who's having trouble making friends get a degree?

As a design teacher that insists on blogging in a foreign language, don't you think a little proofing is necessary?

Ronny said...

i m hearing what u r saying and it sounds like MI MI MI MI MI....
Are u Keren Mor ?

Anonymous said...

I wish...
But I was also dead serious.
What if a person with a little problem socializing wants to study but not necessarily work as a designer afterwards. What chance does he have of getting a degree?

Ronny said...

hello again
i don t think that studying graphic design is different in that perspective.
if you r not great at socializing it s ok. you don t have to be the best buddy of u r classmates to get a degree.
most of the student are anyway working long hours alone in front of their computer
so u do u r homework, u show up on time for classes , u work hard... and u get it
what u decide to do with it afterwords, is up to you
once u v graduated u can work in a very large field of options and you can choose the best place for u.
Next time u want to have a Dead Serious conversation, at list leave u r name.
see u